Quickly delete all products and orders from uCommerce
Note: An updated version of this code for the new Ucommerce schema is available here: https://thesitedoctor.co.uk/blog/delete-all-products-and-orders-from-ucommerce/
Sometimes you need to blitz your uCommerce database e.g. just before launch or to remove the testing products etc.
This is a quick database clear script which will clear delete all orders and products in uCommerce.
Be careful - this will remove everything without any form of checks (this is the V3 script let me know if you need it for other versions).
BEGIN TRAN DELETE FROM uCommerce_ProductReviewComment DELETE FROM uCommerce_ProductReview DELETE FROM uCommerce_OrderLineDiscountRelation DELETE FROM uCommerce_ShipmentDiscountRelation DELETE FROM uCommerce_Discount UPDATE uCommerce_OrderLine SET ShipmentId = NULL UPDATE uCommerce_PurchaseOrder SET BillingAddressId = NULL DELETE FROM uCommerce_Shipment DELETE FROM uCommerce_OrderAddress DELETE FROM uCommerce_OrderProperty DELETE FROM uCommerce_OrderLine DELETE FROM uCommerce_PaymentProperty DELETE FROM uCommerce_Payment DELETE FROM uCommerce_OrderStatusAudit DELETE FROM uCommerce_PurchaseOrder DELETE FROM uCommerce_Address DELETE FROM uCommerce_Customer DELETE uCommerce_ProductRelation DELETE uCommerce_ProductProperty DELETE uCommerce_ProductDescriptionProperty DELETE uCommerce_ProductDescription DELETE uCommerce_CategoryProductRelation DELETE uCommerce_PriceGroupPrice DELETE FROM uCommerce_Product -- Just double check things have gone SELECT * FROM uCommerce_PurchaseOrder o SELECT * FROM uCommerce_Product p -- For safety's sake, run it in a transaction just in case you change your mind ROLLBACK TRAN -- When happy it works, uncomment this line and comment out the ROLLBACK -- COMMIT TRAN
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